
Central Catholic offers three curriculum options in order to effectively serve the needs of our students.  All students must meet the State of Ohio and Central Catholic graduation requirements, and the resulting diploma depends on which curriculum option the student follows. 

College Prep Plus - requires an intensive course of study to prepare the student for acceptance into college programs

Honors College Prep - requires the most demanding courses in order to challenge highly motivated students and is designed to assist the student in securing acceptance into selective universities 

College Prep - requires coursework in an approved course of study in order to earn a diploma, which meets the state standards

Class offerings include College Prep, Honors, and AP levels of study.  Honors and AP classes are offered in nearly every subject area, including theology, music, and art. 

Along with the required courses in theology, English, math, science, social studies, health and physical education, and fine arts, students can choose from a variety of engaging elective courses.  Electives fulfill diploma requirements, but also allow students to take advantage of classes in their areas of interest and learning styles, as well as offering opportunities for career exploration.  This contributes to a greater overall learning experience. 

Some examples of electives that Central Catholic offers are Creative Writing, Drama, Forensic Science, Zoology, Weightlifting & Nutrition, Robotics, Broadcasting, Beginning Guitar, Dance, Graphics, and 3D Modeling & Animation.

Summer Success Classes


Freshman Success

Our Freshman Success program has prepared Irish students for success for the past 10+ years.  CCHS takes great pride in building bridges for students from the minute they begin their high school career. This program is a tool that provides insight into: grades, time management, test prep, goal setting, student involvement, and many other topics that freshman will encounter when entering high school. Taught by teachers and current students, Freshman Success allows students to truly understand what it means to be a part of the Irish community, while also having the opportunity to meet their teachers and fellow classmates!

The cost is $20 per student for the entire session and will run from 9 a.m.-Noon each day. Please note, freshmen must attend 1 of the 2 sessions.

Freshman Success Session 1: June 17-20 (9 a.m.-Noon)
Freshman Success Session 2: July 15-18
(9 a.m.-Noon)

Both sessions will be held at Central Catholic High School. Questions about Freshman Success should be directed to: Academic Administrator Angie Bihn at abihn@centralcatholic.org or by calling (419) 255-2280.


Post-Grad Game Plan

Our Post-Grad Game Plan will be done on a more personalized basis this summer, with opportunities for students to sign up, during core classes this spring, for individual and small group sessions. Information about available time blocks and details for this process will be shared between March and June with students and families. Students may reach out to Principal Morgan (Delp) Connors (mconnors@centralcatholic.org), College & Career Advisor Angelica Johnson (ajohnsonl@centralcatholic.org), or Academic Coordinator Angie Bihn (abihn@centralcatholic.org) for more information on this more personalized plan. Families are encouraged to use the summer to explore post-grad options, and please note we are here to assist with that.


ACT Booster

Our ACT Booster program is offered to rising sophomores, juniors, & seniors & is open to any student desiring an improved ACT score for college admission & college scholarships.  A large focus will be placed on the math section. For more information on this program, please contact Principal Morgan (Delp) Connors at mconnors@centralcatholic.org or by calling (419) 255-2280 x1170.

Honor Roll

At the end of each quarter, academic honors are awarded to students who have performed superior work.  Students are acknowledged as summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude.

Academic Letters 

Academic letters are a visible way of recognizing outstanding academic achievement.  Students earn an academic letter by appearing on Central Catholic’s summa and magna cum laude honor roll a total of seven times.  For each additional three appearances on the honor roll, students receive a lamp of learning pin for their academic letter.

National Honor Society  

Sophomores and juniors become candidates for the Raymond G. Kirsch Chapter of the National Honor Society by attaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher starting in 2020. The faculty then votes on membership according to four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.  Students elected to the NHS are inducted annually in March. 

Insignis Society

Each year, Central Catholic awards gold pens to the outstanding scholars in the senior and junior classes.  These awards are based on the current class rank. The Insignis Society consists of the Top 12 seniors, the Top 11 juniors, and Top 10 sophomores.

Advanced Placement (AP)

We had 89 students pass the Advanced Placement tests for college credit this past year, and we plan to increase the number this school year. We had 2 teachers paid as readers (graders) of the test this summer, and we had 3 others attend AP training and professional development this summer. We are increasing our AP offerings this school year. Our AP classes for 2024-25:

AP Biology (H)
AP Calculus (H)
AP Chemistry (H)
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Environmental Science (H)
AP Language/Composition (H)
AP Literature/Composition (H)
AP Physics (H)
AP Psychology (H)
AP Seminar (H)
AP Spanish Language & Culture (H)
AP Studio Art (H)
AP U.S. Government (H)
AP U.S. History (H)

Student Success Program

Central Catholic’s Student Success Program is designed to assist every student in achieving his or her highest academic performance beginning in their freshman year.  The program focuses on teachers and students working together during the regular school day as well as after school.

The Student Success Program includes:

  • Reading

  • Testing

  • Homework Help

  • Central Source

Statistics show that students’ reading ability directly correlates to their ability to perform well on standardized tests.  Therefore, the focus for all students is to improve reading ability, resulting in stronger test outcomes. With improved test scores, students have a much better chance for a successful future.  The Student Success reading program is led by a reading specialist who focuses on the individual needs of each student.

The testing component of the Student Success Program encompasses everything from weekly classroom tests to standardized tests such as the ACT.  Central Catholic has a dedicated testing room fully equipped with resources to assist students. Test preparation classes for the ACT are held monthly.

Homework Help
Central Catholic makes it a priority to assist students in their pursuit of academic excellence, which results in college admission and college scholarships.  Our Student Success Program offers Homework Help, designed to provide students with professional assistance with their homework.  

Homework Help takes place Monday through Thursday from 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Students enrolled in Homework Help are expected to be on time and to commit to doing a minimum of one hour of homework each day in the program.  Their grades are checked weekly by the program director, and intervention meetings will occur if deemed necessary.

Central Source
The Central Source component of the Student Success Program provides all students with a place to study, tutoring opportunities, and instructional oversight.  Central Source is open Monday through Thursday from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Student Success Program Director - Angie Bihn, abihn@centralcatholic.org