Fr. Kevin Moebius, Class of 1999 - Central Catholic’s New Priest Leader

Father Kevin Moebius is Central Catholic’s new Priest Leader as of July 1.  He is succeeding Father David Kidd, who was appointed Director of Diocesan Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Toledo.  Fr. Kevin most recently served at St. Peter Parish and St. Mary of the Snows Parish, both in Mansfield.  In addition to his role at CCHS, he now also serves as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, Saints Adalbert and Hedwig Parish, and St. Joseph Catholic Church.

Fr. Kevin grew up in Toledo and attended Most Blessed Sacrament School.  After graduating from Central Catholic, he went on to the University of Toledo and the University of Michigan, where he earned an engineering degree in 2006.  He began a career in naval architecture and marine engineering, but on a work-related trip to Spain, he clearly heard the call to the priesthood.

He sought spiritual guidance and spent several more years in discernment before enrolling in Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Cincinnati in 2012.  There he earned three master’s degrees.   He went on to serve in several parishes as a seminarian and was ordained to the priesthood June 27, 2020. 

Central Catholic played a big role in Fr. Kevin’s faith formation, and he is grateful for his experiences here.  “Although I attended a Catholic school for both elementary and high school, I did not grow up in a family that attended Mass every Sunday,” he explained.  “Any exposure I had to Mass came through the Catholic schools I attended.  Without my parents making that sacrifice to send me to a Catholic school, I would never have had the exposure to the spiritual life that I did at Central Catholic.”

Now that he is back at Central Catholic in his new role, Fr. Kevin is excited to work with current students on their faith formation.  We recently sat down with him to find out more about his plans for the school year.

Q: How does it feel to be back at Central Catholic?
EXCITING!  What's so amazing is that having been away for 25 years, I've forgotten how much energy there is in this building!  Wow!  It is inspiring to meet so many teachers and staff who really do genuinely love working here and who have truly bought into the mission of Central Catholic.  And guess what?  I'm not the only alumnus working here!  I have met so many staff members who are also alumni, and many of those alumni now have students enrolled here at CCHS.  What a gift from God to join such an amazing team!  

As an alumnus, I look forward to the opportunity this year to welcome some new faculty members to our Irish family.  One that I'm most excited for everyone to meet is Anna Walker, our new Campus Minister.  Anna will bring a lot of great energy, and together we look forward to continuing the great work that has already been laid out by so many before us!

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your position as CCHS Priest Leader?
Hands down, getting to know our Central Catholic students.  Every single parent has made a true sacrifice, financially or otherwise, in taking the leap of faith to entrust our CCHS family with the precious gift of educating their son or daughter.  Without that decision from each and every parent, Central Catholic simply does not exist.  As a result, I owe it to our families to give to their child my best each and every day.  I'm looking forward to meeting each student where they are at, revealing to them where I think Jesus wants all of us to be, and modeling for them the way in which Jesus showed us to get there. 

Q: What do you hope you can teach and share with our students to help guide them on their faith journeys?
LOVE.  We read from sacred scripture "God is love." (1 Jn 4:16).  This is what each of us is called to reveal to a world that so desperately needs it.  A love poured out to us from the heart of the Father, revealed to us by Jesus Christ His Son.  As Priest Leader at Central Catholic, that can take on many different forms.  It can be as simple as a "Hello" to one of our students in the hallway.  It could be making a visit to a classroom, walking through the lunchroom, or showing up to a sporting event.

I believe that by the ministry of presence, the student will come to know that you care.  Not caring about them because of what they do, but simply because of who they are.  They are first and foremost a child of God, a child to a God who loves them so much.  A love from God that has been there from the moment he created them in their mother’s womb.

Q: Does it give you an advantage to be able to share your own experiences, having attended Central Catholic and having once been in their shoes?
Yes, absolutely!  In fact, I've seen it play out in just the first few weeks since arriving on campus.  For example, I ran into one of our students in the hallway.  As many of you know, even though it's summer, there is ALWAYS something going on at CCHS!  Summer around here brings its own business with various sports camps, freshman success, ACT prep, etc.  Well, when I met this student, she proceeded to tell me how she was thinking about quitting a specific sport.  Of course I followed up with the question, "Why?"  She explained how she felt behind because of not playing her freshman or sophomore year.  I responded immediately, "I know what you are talking about.  I know what it's like to walk in your shoes!"  I proceeded to explain to her how I had been in the same exact situation when I attended Central Catholic.  

We ended with my advice to her, "Stick with it.  Trust me, it will work itself out and you'll feel a part of the team before you know it."  The student seemed to find consolation in those words because I had "walked in her shoes."  I have no doubt that the Lord is going to use my past experience here as a student at Central Catholic to help minister to all of our future ones.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your new role at CCHS?
Believe it or not, there is actually a job description for the Priest Leader at Central Catholic.  Some of my responsibilities include: To ensure the mission of Central Catholic is being fulfilled, and that Catholic identity and faith formation activities are prevalent in all areas of the school.  To directly manage and be responsible for our campus ministry department and the religious formation activities of the school.  I'll also serve as the theology department chairperson and curriculum director for all theology classes offered.  I'm responsible for all pastoral support for students, parents, faculty, and staff of CCHS and assisting them in their spiritual development.  Lastly, and the one people are most familiar with because it is the most visible, I am responsible for all liturgies at CCHS including Masses, administration of any sacraments, and other school religious services. 

It truly is a gift to be serving Central Catholic in such a capacity, and I look forward to the coming years together!


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