Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member - Trevor Hoffman

- What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
This is my 1st year at Central Catholic, and I teach science to sophomores through seniors.  My classes include Integrated Physical Science, Physics and AP Physics, and Forensic Science.

- What is your educational background? 
I graduated from Eastwood High School in 2016 and earned my B.S. in biology/conservation and ecology from Bowling Green State University in 2020.

- What did you do before joining the CCHS faculty?
I was a wildlife biologist at the Toledo Zoo.

- What inspired you to become a teacher?
My high school interns from the T.U.R.T.L.E. program at the zoo.  T.U.R.T.L.E. stands for Teens Understanding Research Techniques and Learning Ecology, and it’s an internship program for high school-aged students who are interested in learning more about conservation and field work.  They come out and assist the biologists in data collection and analysis.  It's a great way to get firsthand experience and lets the students know if this is something they may want to pursue in the future.  It's such an amazing program and I'm so glad I get to be a part of it.

- What made you want to teach at Central Catholic specifically?
Central Catholic has a strong culture of both academics and athletics.

- What do you hope your impact will be on your students?
I hope I will convince them to enjoy science and show them it's a fun subject.

- What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
I like to hang out with my wife, fish, watch sports, and play video games.


After the Bell with Staffulty Member Ernie Lamb


Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member - Sister Mary Ignatius Heil