Kaitlyn Bergman


What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 
Geometry (Honors and College Prep) 9-11
Algebra 2 (College Prep) 11-12

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
This is my first year!

What is your educational background? 
Bachelor's Degree in Education from the University of Toledo

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
How involved students are in and out of the classroom.  They’re not afraid to try a lot of different activities, like student council, sports, or band.  And they do so well in all of them! 

What inspired you to become a teacher here at CCHS?
I wanted to become a teacher because of the impact you can make.  I can touch 30 kids’ lives in less than an hour. That’s not something I could do working behind a desk.  And helping them can make a difference in society as well. Seeing how dedicated CCHS faculty and staff are about providing the best educational experience for the students is inspiring to me.  It made Central Catholic seem like the perfect fit for my first year of teaching.  

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 
The support from the administration and other faculty to explore within the classroom and curriculum allows me to experiment with different learning and teaching styles.  I can explore different methods and not have to follow a rigid structure, which makes math class more enjoyable for the students as well as more meaningful.


Joseph Johnson


Angela Mills