Women’s History Month Q&A with Julie McCourt

Julie McCourt is in her 3rd year serving as Campus Minister at Central Catholic High School.

Julie earned a bachelor's degree in religious studies from The University of Toledo. Following graduation, she completed an internship at Corpus Christi University Parish, a non-territorial parish serving the Catholic community at UToledo. Julie then attained a master's degree in pastoral studies at Loyola University Chicago and worked at Saint Louis University, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and most recently St. Ursula Academy before coming to Cherry Street.

Julie has been married to her husband, Mike, for 12-plus years, and they have two boys, Riley and Hudson, who are in 3rd and 4th grade at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. In her spare time, Julie is slowly building a business in health and life coaching, while also serving in various capacities at OLPH Parish and training for half marathons.

According to Julie, CCHS has become "home" to her over the last three years, and she is honored to work in such a wonderful community!!!

What advice would you give to women in your respective field?
When I first thought about entering ministry in the Catholic Church, I was uncertain about how I could serve. As I entered more deeply into my classes and internships, I quickly discovered how powerful my vocation to ministry was, specifically because I was a woman. If I could give advice to women entering ministry, I would say that the Catholic Church needs and deserves your voice, leadership, strength and authenticity, and that your vocation to ministry in the Church is a gift!

Tell us about a woman you look up to & why.
A woman I look up to is definitely my mother. I am so proud of our relationship and can honestly say that she is one of my best friends. My mom is strong, curious, supportive, gentle, self-aware, brave, and kind. She has taught me so much about how to be a wife, mother, sister, and friend, and how to navigate these roles with confidence. She is an incredible listener and bravely supports and challenges in all the best ways, and I am so grateful to see more of her in myself everyday.

If you could pick any historical female to have dinner with, who would it be and why?
If I could pick any historical female to have dinner with, I would likely choose my grandmother. She passed away this last Thanksgiving Day, and my heart is still so tender after her loss. My grandma was such a gift to me physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and the opportunity to share another meal with her would truly be something I would treasure.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?
Women's History Month is a beautiful opportunity to specifically remember the gift of women's stories and leadership, and an excellent chance to celebrate those women who inspire and lead us today. I am grateful for the chance to be intentional about remembering and celebrating!

What do you appreciate most about Central Catholic High School?
People say it all the time, but that's only because the profound truth of the statement can settle into your bones ... Central Catholic is truly like family. This place feels like coming home, and is filled with salt-of-earth people with the biggest servant hearts. I most appreciate the family feel at CCHS!!!


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