Central Catholic IrishTHON Raises Money for Mercy Children’s Hospital

Students and staff at Central Catholic High School participated in IrishTHON on April 24. The event raised funds and awareness for Mercy Children’s Hospital, our local Children’s Miracle Network hospital, which treats children from our area and provides life-saving care to sick and injured kids in need.

Central Catholic students raised money through sponsorships from families, friends, and alumni donors. Throughout the evening, they spent time dancing, having lip sync battles and a talent show, and playing games, as well as hearing directly from some of the families that the fundraiser helps. They stayed active and on their feet to represent how nurses stay busy and on their feet during a shift at the hospital. The participants at IrishTHON were Too Legit To Sit!

This is the third year for the IrishTHON, and about 185 students participated in the event. Central Catholic raised over $19,000, which is nearly double last year’s total! According to senior Kevin Bishop, who is the Student Chair of the IrishTHON Finance Committee, “This year was a little bit tough on us, and we were projected to raise less than we did in 2020. But we were blessed by God to receive an anonymous large donation as well as many donations from very generous supporters and students who all helped contribute to the success of this event for the kids. The students of Central Catholic felt called to step up this year because of the effects COVID-19 had on the children at Mercy.” 

Central Catholic partners with the University of Toledo’s RockeTHON for this event.  “We have a tremendous relationship with UT's RockeTHON, and they have been great mentors for our IrishTHON Core Team by showing us their energy and dedication to dance marathons,” said Bishop.  “We came up with the IrishTHON in 2018 as a way for Central Catholic to do more community outreach, not only for our surrounding neighbors, but for the city of Toledo as a whole. 

“Central Catholic students participate in IrishTHON because they have servant hearts and truly believe in the cause - We do IrishTHON for the children who are battling pediatric illness. This year, I think we set an example for the Greater Toledo area. We were able to send a strong message that when we encounter hardships, we overcome them and prosper through them. Just like the kids, we don't ever give up no matter the circumstance. Have faith that the best is yet to come.”


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