Black History Month Q&A with Sabriah Greer, ‘26

Junior Sabriah Greer is President of Student Council, as well as being a member of National Honor Society, Spanish Club, W.I.S.E., Afro-American Club, Glee Club, Gospel Choir, The Centric, Campaign for Kindness Club, Irish Ambassador, and Sideline Spirit Core Team.

What are some ways you appreciate how CCHS celebrates the diversity at our school?  What are ways you would like to see CCHS continue to celebrate Black History Month?
I appreciate the efforts that go toward celebrating Black History Month, like playing music from that period or the speakers at an assembly.  I would like to see Central Catholic continue to celebrate Black History Month by talking more about its history and go a little more in depth with some projects.

If you could pick any figure central to Black History to have dinner with, who would it be & why? 
If you’re asking for someone that works at CCHS, I would say Mrs. Andre.  She is so wise and well-spoken.  I think God speaks through her and uses her through the power of kindness.  Mrs. Andre is truly a special person inside and out, and everyone should get to know her.

What are your thoughts about “African Americans & Labor,” this year’s theme for Black History Month.  Please reflect on the pivotal role that African Americans have played in shaping our country’s history.
I think that not only should we celebrate Black peoples’ trials, but also the accomplishments and what all we’ve been through. 

Black History Month means being able to celebrate the achievements of significant people during lifetimes of hardship and the good times made known to history.

What do you love most about Central Catholic High School?
What I love most about CCHS is that there’s always an opportunity to learn, to be kind, to be a friend, and to share God’s love.


Black History Month Q&A with Minnie-Jean McMillian, ‘27