Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Kelsey Moebs

Kelsey Moebs.jpeg

What subjects and grade levels do you teach at Central Catholic?
I teach Spanish 1, which means I get to teach all students from freshman to seniors. 

Where did you teach before coming to CCHS?
This is my first official year teaching.

What is your educational background?
I attended Geneva High School and then went to Mount Vernon Nazarene University.  I earned two bachelor's degrees in Spanish and Intercultural Studies.

What inspired you to become a teacher?
My time spent in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic really inspired me to teach.  While I was abroad, I had the opportunity to teach English to Spanish speakers and I found a love for teaching languages that I did not know I had.

What made you want to become a teacher at Central Catholic?
I was drawn to Central Catholic once I saw the passion and love for this school that the staffulty and alumni have.

What are your impressions of CCHS so far?
I have learned that CCHS is deeply rooted in tradition and strives for excellence.  The people are kind, respectful, and welcoming.  I have appreciated the aspect of faith being tied into all that we do at CCHS. 


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