Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member - Gilbert Monrouzeau

- What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
I teach college prep Algebra Concepts, Algebra I, and Algebra II.

- What is your educational background? 
I earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of Puerto Rico and a master’s degree in finance from the Inter American University of Puerto Rico.

- What did you do before joining the CCHS staffulty?
I taught honors and advanced mathematics at the Episcopal Cathedral School in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

- What inspired you to become a teacher?
I have always been teaching.  I tutored my classmates in school and my peers in college, and then I taught high school after graduating with my BS and in college after graduating with my MBA.

- What made you want to teach at Central Catholic specifically?
I was looking to once again teach at a high school and saw an opening at CCHS.

- What do you hope your impact will be on your students?
Since math is the archetypical boogeyman for many students, I hope to help them learn and ease their stresses and worries about math in general so that they can overcome any sense of inadequacy concerning it.

- What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?  
I like playing music and walking through nature.

- Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I lived in Puerto Rico for 25 years before moving to Ohio.  I moved because in a very short span of time, Puerto Rico had two consecutive Category 5 hurricanes, with Hurricane Maria being the worst in the last 100 years, destroying most of the island; the worst earthquake swarm in the last 100 years, including 11 that were 5.0 or greater, with the worst being a 6.4; a decades-long recession and civil unrest due to intense political corruption, immediately followed by the COVID-19 pandemic.  I also lived in New York for 9 years before moving to Puerto Rico.


Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member & Alumnus - Brent Matus, ‘20


Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member - Carli Christenson