Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Logan Lorenzen, ‘12

What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
I teach 9th grade world history - college prep and honors. 


How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
This is my third year teaching at Central Catholic, and I have been coaching football and basketball for six years. 


What is your educational background? 
I graduated from the University of Toledo in 2017 with a bachelor's degree in AYA Social Studies. 


What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
The best kept secret about Central Catholic that outsiders would not know are the giant cookies up in the cafeteria! 


What inspired you to become a teacher?
I was inspired to become a teacher by my past teachers here at CCHS.  They inspired me and made me the man I am today.  I knew right away I wanted to have that impact on the lives of students. 


What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic?
I love seeing the students every day.  Our students here at Central Catholic come from all different backgrounds, yet they all are ONE when they walk into the building.  There is just something special about this building when you walk in that makes you want to be kind to one another.


“This is my first year in high school so it was a bit intimidating, especially under the circumstances, but Mr. Lorenzen has made it enjoyable but challenging.  We do a lot of great projects and even group projects to help us work together in the classroom.  He has also made sure that we are comfortable in high school and has made it an easy transition from middle school.  Mr. Lorenzen has made learning about world history enjoyable, making it one of my favorite classes!”

- Lauren Dempsey, CCHS freshman


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