Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Cathy Farina

What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
This year, I am teaching AP Language and Speech.  Usually, I teach AP Language and Senior Seminar.  I also serve as the Quiz Bowl moderator.

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
This is my seventh year.

What is your educational background? 

  • Douglass College (at Rutgers University) - BA in English/Education and Psychology (double major)

  • 30 graduate credits in Educational Psychology from Rutgers 

  • 18 credits in English as a New Language (ENL) from the University of Notre Dame

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
CCHS is a wonderful, welcoming, friendly environment, and that includes the students and the staffulty!  (Not much of a secret, is it?)

What inspired you to become a teacher?
I was inspired by all the wonderful, caring teachers I had, especially in high school at a Catholic school in New Jersey.

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 
I love the students!  They are a joy to be with every day and never cease to amaze me on a daily basis.

“I always looked forward to Mrs. Farina’s class because she is a very engaging teacher.  She likes to share her own interests with her students and learn about their personal interests too.  It’s a helpful way to make connections to what we’re learning in class.  She’s good at answering any questions students have, and she’s always available to help outside of class if you need it.  She’s also a fun and motivational Quiz Bowl coach!” 

- Megan Jurek, Class of 2020


Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Logan Lorenzen, ‘12


Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Kim Bremer