Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member - Mary Griffin

- What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
I teach honors Theology 2 to sophomores and Theology 1: 1st Year Catholic experience to 1 class of freshmen.

- What are your job duties as a campus minister?
As a campus minister, my job duties include coordinating Worship Wednesdays (Mass, Adoration, prayer services, etc.), and leading our student service hour program. 

- What is your educational background?
I attended Franciscan University of Steubenville for my undergraduate degrees in theology and catechetics and master’s degree in theology. 

- What did you do before coming to work at CCHS?
Before coming to CCHS, I worked for 3 years as a Vagabond Missionary.  With a team of 4 others, I helped run an inner-city youth center/youth ministry in Greenville, NC.  I served as a team leader for 1 year, and as the area director for the following 2 years.

- What inspired you to become a teacher?
I always had a desire to teach.  All of my grandparents were teachers, and they had great passion for their vocation.  Once I learned that it was possible to teach about God in a private school, I immediately knew that it was the dream job for me.

- What made you want to teach at Central Catholic specifically?
I was instantly drawn to how CCHS beautifully balances faith, academics, and extracurricular activities.  It feels like everyone is on the same team and supports each other. 

- What made you want to work as a campus minister?
I love the opportunities that come with being campus minister, especially that I am can spend more intentional and conversational time with students. 

- How do you hope to impact students as a teacher and in your campus ministry role?
I hope students will know that they are loved, appreciated, and seen by myself and other staffulty members through our words and actions, but more importantly that they are known and loved by God.

- What are your hobbies and special interests outside of work?
I love sports!  I especially enjoy watching football and playing pickleball. 


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