Sarah Turner Named Student of the Month for February

Junior Sarah Turner is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Senate, Student Council, Campus Ministry, the Marching Band, Orchestra, the Campaign for Kindness, the cross country team, and the Movie Club, and she helps with the Summer Success academic program.  She is a Mass server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), and co-president of the Ambassadors For Life Club.  In January, she attended the March For Life in Washington DC with other Central Catholic students and staff members.

According to Whitney McHaffie, CCHS Theology teacher and moderator of the Ambassadors For Life Club, “Sarah sets a good example by her behavior, does well academically, and has taken quite the lead with the Ambassadors For Life Club.  She is always the first person to respond to the call of leadership in this group.  She was also exceptionally mature on our Washington DC trip for the march and demonstrated leadership during our club meeting on the bus and by keeping her peers together during the overwhelmingly packed march.”

Sarah’s Theology teacher, Paul Devine, added, “She does everything asked of her and works hard.  She cares about the small stuff.”

Outside of school, Sarah is a server and EMHC at Christ the King Parish, where she also acted as a sponsor for her father, Tye Turner, in the RCIA program.  Tye is a science and math teacher at Central Catholic, and he is going through the Rite of Christian Initiation.  He will receive the sacraments of baptism, Holy Eucharist, and confirmation, and enter the Catholic Church this Easter.

Sarah credits Central Catholic for greatly strengthening her faith.  “My dad has been a teacher at Central Catholic since I was in fourth grade,” she explained.  “He helped with the program called Summer Success, coming in for four weeks in the summer to help incoming freshmen enhance their math skills.  I would come with him and help sharpen pencils and do small projects to help with the program.  I always enjoyed those four weeks, and I knew then that I wanted to come to CCHS.  There was no other school that I wanted to attend.  The thing I didn’t know during those summers is how much my faith would change.  Through some of the best retreats and other opportunities, I have grown so much in my Catholic faith.  The best thing about being here is for sure the faith journey you can truly have.”

After high school, Sarah plans to attend either the University of Findlay or Ohio Northern University to get her Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

CCHS Student of the Month Archives
January (Noah Langford)


Women’s History Month Q&A with Whitney McHaffie


Wrestling Team Excels at Division II Sectional Championship