Central Catholic Girls Playing on Boys’ Tennis Team

The Central Catholic High School Fighting Irish boys’ tennis team roster currently features two girls who are bringing a lot to the program.

Seniors Gabrielle (Brie) Sensenstein and Katherine Lach joined the boys’ tennis team because they each play another fall sport when the girls’ tennis season takes place.  Brie plays soccer and Katherine is a volleyball player.  OHSAA rules allow any girl who has not participated on the girls’ tennis team in the fall, either in a scrimmage or match, to participate on the boys’ team in the spring of that school year.

Sensenstein currently plays varsity second doubles and has been an integral part of the team.  Lach currently plays on the junior varsity squad, but according to head coach Kyle Crocker, she is close to making the jump to varsity competition.

This is not the first time that girls have played on the boys’ tennis team at Central Catholic, but it is the first time a female has consistently played varsity for the Fighting Irish.  Coach Crocker recalled Kennedy Broadwell and Julie Eagle joining the boys’ tennis team in 2017, and last season, the Irish had Krista Roessle and Evelyn Wesley.

“Initially I had no intention of playing tennis in the spring,” Sensenstein said.  “It was not until a couple of my guy friends in Glee Club brought up the idea for me to join that I considered it.  I knew I would enjoy it because I’ve always liked to try different sports.  Since I’ve been at Central Catholic, I’ve played six different sports.  Tennis, I’ve learned, is a sport you can play at any age with anybody.  That is what makes it such a great activity.

“I was a little rough at first, but everyone on the team including my coaches were very supportive and pushed me to get better every day.  I don’t look at it as being one of two girls on an all-boys tennis team.  I look at it more as a great opportunity to be surrounded by so many amazing people that do nothing but brighten my day every practice and match.  I wouldn’t trade my team for the world.  I only wish I could’ve joined earlier in high school, but I’m glad I got the chance to participate this spring.  When it comes to actually playing the other boys, the opponents are very respectful and treat me as an equal.  That is all I could ask for as one of the only girls in an all-male tennis league, and I appreciate it very much.  If anything, playing against boys makes me tougher and makes my game that much better.”

“I would say that I also didn’t have any intention of playing tennis,” Lach added.  “I heard a bunch of my guy friends talking about playing, many of them also first time players, and they mentioned me joining.  Going into the season, I was very nervous to play a new sport, but everyone was so encouraging and they made me feel more than welcomed.  My first few practices were rough, but I was having so much fun from the beginning, and I became more and more excited for each practice and match.  I’ve been blessed with the most fun and motivating coaches and teammates.  They’re the reason I look forward to tennis everyday.  I’ve never felt out of place or treated differently, and I’m very grateful for every single one of my teammates, friends, and coaches for never failing to support me and for encouraging me to be better each day.  I’m extremely thankful for this opportunity to try something new and meet amazing people.”

Link to BCSN story: https://youtu.be/LzzBwMj84Wk


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