Noah Rife Tabbed Student of the Month for March

Senior Noah Rife is on the Honor Roll and is involved with Student Government, Campus Ministry, Sideline Spirit, and Glee Club.  He plays for the CCHS soccer and tennis teams.  Outside of Central Catholic, he helps with the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry at his parish, St. Patrick of Heatherdowns.

“I chose to come to Central Catholic because I thought it was the best place for high school for me,” Noah said.  “My brothers attended CCHS before me and they liked it a lot.  My education at this school sets me up for the rest of my life.  The best thing about being here is the family atmosphere.  I don't feel like I would get that anywhere else but at Central Catholic.”

Noah plans to attend The University of Toledo next year to study psychology and hopes to become a high school counselor.

Julie Saba, CCHS math teacher and department chair, nominated Noah for this recognition.  “Noah is always kind to others, saying hello when he enters a room and wishing me a good day when he leaves,” she said.  “You can't tell if he is having a bad day because Noah is always happy.  He will ask how you are doing and listen, nod, and respond to your answer.  Noah takes the time to make you feel like someone cares.  He is willing to help out with whatever you ask him to do.  I never hear him complain about work in class, homework, moving seats, or anything else.

“When I asked him what he wants to do in life, he said he wants to be a counselor,” continued Saba.  “I think Noah will make a great counselor because of his ability to listen and take interest in what others are saying.”

2023 Student of the Month Honorees
January - Noah Langford
February - Sarah Turner


Women’s History Month Q&A - Brittley Grodi, ‘07


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