Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Nikki Toland, ‘08

What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 
Reading (9th and 10th grade), Dance (9-12), Algebra Concepts (9th)

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
7 years

What is your educational background? 
The Ohio State University - B.A. in Human Development and Family Science - Middle Childhood Education
University of Cincinnati - Graduate Certificate - PreK-12 Reading Instruction 
University of Cincinnati - Master’s - Curriculum and Instruction

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
Our kids. They are truly amazing and inspire me daily.

What inspired you to become a teacher here at CCHS?
I graduated from Central Catholic High School in 2008 and knew I always wanted to come back in some capacity.  I had the best experience in high school and have always believed in Central’s mission.  Teaching and coaching future generations is my way of giving back to the school that shaped me into who I am today.  

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 
The Irish family and spirit.  It makes me want to come to work every day.

Student quote:
“Throughout my years at Central Catholic, Ms. Toland made a huge impact on my life.  She was the most caring and outgoing teacher that I worked with day after day, and she treated my brother and I as her own.  She goes all out for her students and genuinely cares to see them succeed wherever.” 
- Matthew Griffin, CCHS Class of 2019


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