Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Lori Szymanski

What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 

Spanish all levels


How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 

35+ years


What is your educational background? 

BEd University of Toledo (Spanish and Political Science)

MEd Lourdes College 


What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 

Most of our assets are not secrets: spirituality, academics, spirit, tradition; but a real secret is that the building is a treasure.  There is a dumb-waiter, little nooks and crannies in the basement that are fascinating, the projection room, the architectural details that often go unnoticed, like fireplaces and tiles, etc.  I love this building and everything in it.


What inspired you to become a teacher? 

I love to help others discover things.  I think it brings both of us joy.


What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 

We are all, the adults and the students, part of something bigger, something important that is making an impact on the world through the diversity of our talents and Christian values.  


Student quote: 

“Mrs. Szymanski contributes to the development of hearts and minds through Spanish. In addition to enforcing good study habits of repetition, pattern recognition, and participation, she brings the subject to life with literature, historical context, and art. Spanish with Mrs. Szymanski isn’t just about learning the language - it’s about experiencing the culture.” 

- Sydney (Delp) Gurnee, CCHS Class of 2012


Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Nikki Toland, ‘08


Get to Know CCHS Administrator - Morgan Delp, ‘11