Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Rachael Hunyor

What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
 I teach freshman and junior level Theology.

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
This will be my 12th year teaching at Central Catholic.  I taught in the theology department from 2004-2015 and then I took a break to do parish ministry from 2015-2020.  This will be my first year back!

What is your educational background? 
I earned a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Toledo, a secondary theology certificate from Lourdes University and a Master’s Degree in theology from the University of Dayton.

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
Our chapel is absolutely beautiful.  The artwork was done by the same artist who did Rosary Cathedral.  

What inspired you to become a teacher? 
I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in the second grade.  I have a love of learning and I am blessed to be called to share this passion with others.  When I create lesson plans, collaborate with colleagues, and work with students in the classroom, it does not feel like work!  I love it so much that it feels like time spent on a hobby.  I truly look forward to doing my job… it brings me joy!

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 
Hands down, the people!  The administration, faculty, and staff are competent and supportive and I enjoy working with them.  I also adore working with the students.  When I walk in the classroom and see my students, I get a surge of energy and I become consumed with enthusiasm for what we are about to do… At that moment, it feels as if all is good with the world!

Student quote:
“It’s been almost 10 years since I graduated from Central Catholic, and I still remember Mrs. Hunyor’s class as one of my favorites.  She always created a fun and educational environment for her students, which I appreciated.  I’m glad to hear future students will experience the same thing!” 

- Maria Mitchell, CCHS Class of 2011 


Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Patrice Brock


Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Nikki Toland, ‘08