Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Patrice Brock

What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 
I teach AP Biology, Anatomy, Advanced Topics in Biology, Ecology, and Forensic Science.  The students in my classes are in grades 10-12. I also coach girls' lacrosse. 

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
This is my seventh year at CCHS. 


What is your educational background? 
I earned a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Northwestern University and a Master of Education from The University of Toledo.


What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
The best kept secret about Central Catholic is the unfaltering support members of the Irish family have for each other and our community.  Once you are a member of this family, though, it is not a secret for long!


What inspired you to become a teacher? 
Teaching is my second career.  As a biologist, I was able to see that knowledgeable and passionate scientists can impact their communities, and the world, in so many ways.  I hope to be part of the journey of the next generation of those scientists. 


What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 
I love the spirit of the students and staff at Central Catholic.  We are blessed to be in an environment that encourages academic, spiritual, and personal growth every day.  


Student quote: 
“Mrs. Brock is an amazing role model who fostered in me a desire to always reach higher - to be a more curious and diligent student, a more competitive and resilient lacrosse player, and a kinder, more generous person.  Her example of excellence, as well as her love of science and of her students, will stick with me throughout my life and my career, far beyond room 302” 
- Molly Hartlage, CCHS Class of 2016 


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