Get to Know CCHS Teacher Julie Saba

What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 

This year I taught Algebra 1 (College Prep), Pre-Calculus (Honors), and AP Calculus.

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 

23 years

What is your educational background? 

I attended the University of Toledo and have a degree in secondary mathematics (9-12) and a minor in computer science. 

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 

You can contact the teachers and they are willing to help.  That's why they became teachers.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I have always wanted to be a teacher.  I had an excellent pre-calculus teacher in high school and she inspired me.  I also loved math and thought what better way to share my love than to teach it.

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic?

The people - both the math department, which has always been willing to help each other in any way needed, and the students.  They have always been willing to learn and keep me up to date on current trends.


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