Get to Know CCHS Teacher - Vicky Ferris

What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 
I currently teach Spanish I, II, and Spanish II Honors, grades 9-12. 

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic?  
I have been with CCHS for two years now.

What is your educational background? 
I graduated from Kent State University with a dual degree in international relations and Spanish.

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic? 
The best kept secret of CCHS is the school spirit.  It is amazing how much energy exists in this 100-year-old building. 

What inspired you to become a teacher?
I never had planned to teach.  It fell into my lap when my husband moved us to Toledo 20 years ago for a job at Toledo Hospital.  I began teaching part-time at the University of Toledo for almost 10 years.  I found I really enjoy watching the growth of my students.  Many come in knowing very little to no Spanish and leave being able to put a few sentences together.  It's the progression from beginning to end that makes me smile.

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic?
The students and faculty at CCHS have amazing energy.  The faculty at CCHS are really kind and caring.  Everyone genuinely cares for one another and wants to work as a team to help our students succeed.


Get to Know CCHS Administrator - Morgan Delp, ‘11


Get to Know CCHS Teacher Julie Saba