Sister M. Berneta Schneider, SND


What subjects and grade levels do you teach? 
I am currently teaching freshman theology.

How long have you been teaching at Central Catholic? 
21 years

What is your educational background?
I have certification or master’s degrees in piano, English, theology, social studies, history, and education and school administration.

What is the best kept secret about Central Catholic?
Central Catholic is thoroughly Catholic! 

What inspired you to become a teacher?
I never wanted to be anything other than a teacher.

What do you like most about teaching at Central Catholic? 
I am proud to carry on the 100-year tradition of the Sisters of Notre Dame teaching at CCHS.

I get to introduce students to Jesus for the first time in their lives.  I get to teach them how to pray. And hopefully they never leave my classroom without knowing that they are beloved sons and daughters of the Most High God.


Patty Bartkavage


Kristen Cunningham