CCHS Students & Staff Attend Annual March For Life

Fifteen Central Catholic students and four staff members joined other representatives from the Diocese of Toledo in attending the 50th-Annual March For Life on January 20 in Washington D.C.  CCHS Priest Leader Fr. David D. Kidd celebrated Mass for the attendees at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception before they took part in the annual rally and march.  The March For Life protests the practice and legality of abortion, and promotes the beauty, dignity, and value of every human life.

During the march, the CCHS students and staff met people from all over the country.  They also had an opportunity to tour DC, stopping at the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial, and the White House.  The following day, they attended the Students for Life Summit where pro-life speakers from all over the country gave speeches about their histories working with mothers, fighting for legislation to protect life, and how to continue the work to protect the unborn.

“Going to the March For Life in Washington D.C. is a remarkable testament to our students' courage to brave the travel, cold weather, and possible confrontations with counter-protestors, and say, 'The gift of life is worth defending and I think the dignity of the human person matters, especially the vulnerable in the womb of their mothers,” said Fr. Kidd.  “We think you can love both the mother and the child because both are human persons made in the image and likeness of God.”

“I wanted to attend the March For Life because I thought it would be a good way to bond with others through our shared beliefs,” said senior Ella Isaacs.  “I expected the experience to offer me varying ideas on my previously held viewpoints, which it did, but unexpectedly, it was a deeply profound religious experience.  I have been strengthened in my beliefs, both religiously and politically, but with a more nuanced understanding.”

“I wanted to attend the March For Life because being pro-life is something that I care about, but also something that I know I can learn more about,” explained senior Cody Schuberg.  “Everyone there really cared about what they were marching for and what they believed in.  I was amazed by the amount of people that were marching.  It was a great experience, and it only strengthened and made me more confident in my beliefs because I now know that there are a large number of people who have similar views and support the same cause that I do.  Since it is such a controversial topic, I also learned how important it is to empathize with others and see where others are coming from rather than just bombarding them with facts and what I believe.”

Mallory Lenhart, a social studies teacher at CCHS, attended the march and said, “I wanted to bear witness to all of the people across the nation that are passionate about advocating for life.  I am so glad that I got to experience the march for the first time with our students, and I am so blessed that I work at a school that supports this mission.  Our students demonstrated respect, poise, and camaraderie the entire weekend, and their boldness motivates me!  Working with our students on this trip truly deepened my faith.

“I have wanted to attend the march for a very long time, but it was such an honor to go the year after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a time of great hope!” continued Lenhart.  “While I have always been pro-life, this trip was a beautiful reminder of the commitment people across our country have to the Catholic faith and how much strength there is in unity.

“One of the speakers at the summit made the point that we, as Christians, will always be persecuted for our beliefs.  She reinforced that we must not fear being hated, that our mission is so much greater than hate.  I think the students absorbed the message that we must pray for those that persecute and protest us and that God is on our side, even in the challenging culture we live in.  Ultimately, I could feel God's presence at the march and in each and every person marching.

I have to express how proud I am of our students for being courageous and showing up for the unborn.  Their bravery is inspirational!”


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